Set Up Google Tag Manager
Are you looking to maximize the efficiency of your web data and improve visitor tracking ?
We offer a bespoke Set Up Google Tag Manager service that allows you to configure, manage and analyze tags on your site in the best possible way.
Thanks to our expertise, you won’t have to worry about complex scripts or tracking errors.
Google Tag Manager, the tracking tool that revolutionizes your digital strategy
Google Tag Manager is a powerful tool developed by Google that simplifies the management of tags and scripts on your site.
Thanks to GTMyou can easily integrate tracking tools such as Google Analytics and Google Ads.
Using Google Tag Manager, you can configure triggers to track events on your web pagessuch as button clicks or form submissions.
You can also customize your beacons to obtain precise data on behavior and optimize your remarketing campaigns.
Ready to improve yourand analysis ?
Contact Com Graph to discuss your Set Up Google Tag Manager needs.
We’ll help you set up and optimize your tags, integrate your tracking tools and maximize your return on investment. site performance.

Simplify Your Data Tracking: Our Google Tag Manager Set Up

Initial Analysis
Before youinstall Google Tag Managerwe perform a audit of your site.
We start by examining the URLs of each web page, the extensions and plugins used on your web browsers.
Cette analyse inclut l’évaluation de votre dashboard Google Analytics and existing tracking tags.
We ensure that all Google Chrome extensions are installed, such as those available on the Chrome Web Storefor seamless script integration.

Installation and configuration
Once the requirements have been identified, we proceed with theinstallation of Google Tag Manager.
Nous créons un compte GTM, puis nous insérons le code de suivi dans les pages of your site using the plugins available for WordPress or by integrating the code directly into the HTML of the pages.
We also configure web browser to verify that the tracking code works correctly on all browsers, including Safari, Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Setting tags and triggers
The next step is to configure the tags and triggers triggers in GTM.
Nous définissons des balises pour le conversion trackingsuch as those used by Google Analytics.
Nous créons des déclencheurs personnalisés pour la event trackingsuch as button clicks or form submissions.
We use parameters such as keywords or domains to refine tracking and ensure that tags are activated correctly according to the conditions defined.

Testing and Validation
Before going into production, we carry out a series of tests to validate that all tags are correctly configured.
We use developer tools, such as the web browsers and screen capture tools to verify the correct operation of the tracking code.
Nous analysons les logs et les notifications pour détecter toute anomalie et nous nous assurons que les données sont correctement transmises à vos analysis tools.

Training and Support
Finally, we provide training in Set Up Google Tag Manager.
Nous vous guidons à travers le dashboard GTMdashboard, we show you how to configure and manage extensionsand how to use Chrome extensions to monitor and optimize tracking.
We remain available for technical support, answering your questions and make adjustments necessary to ensure the smooth running of tracking on your website.
Why choose Com Graph?
Trust our expertise in WordPress website creation to design a site that perfectly reflects your your brand image.

Our consultants have in-depth expertise in tag management and tracking tool optimization.
We guarantee precise, efficient configuration to maximize your site’s performance.
Personalized Service
We tailor our approach to your objectives and site structure.
Each solution is designed to ensure optimal follow-up and meet your unique needs.

Technical Support
Take advantage of our complete Set Up Google Tag Manager support, from initial installation to training.
Our team of web developers is available to assist you.
Rely on our Set Up Google Tag Manager agency for tag management and efficient tracking of your site.
If you can’t find
the information you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to contact us for assistance.
How does the configuration process work with your service?
We start with an assessment of your needs and the structure of your site.
Ensuite, nous créons et configurons les balises nécessaires, ajoutons les scripts requis et vérifions que tout works properly by carrying out tests and adjustments.
Do you offer training on Google Tag Manager Set Up?
Yes, we offer comprehensive training for you and your team, enabling you to understand how to manage and use use Google Tag Manager effectively to track number of conversions and analyze your site’s performance.
What tracking tools can you integrate with Google Tag Manager?
We can integrate a wide range of tracking tools with Google Tag Manager, including Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Pixel and others. tracking solutions and remarketing solutions.
How can I contact you to discuss setting up Google Tag Manager?
You can contact us by e-mail or via our contact form on the website.
We’d be delighted to discuss your requirements and provide you with a personalized consultation.
How long does it take to set up Google Tag Manager?
The time required depends on the complexity of your site and the tracking tools you wish to integrate.
En général, la configuration initiale prend de quelques jours à une semaine, followed by testing and revisions if necessary.
What are the costs associated with your Set Up Google Tag Manager services?
Costs vary depending on your requirements and the size of your site.
Nous offrons des quotations after discussing your needs in detail.
Can I manage the tags myself after configuration?
Yes, after the configuration, we will provide you with instructions and advice for managing and update tags yourself if you wish.
We are also available for ongoing support if required.